24th December 2006
In the wake of the Rann government's push for the establishment of amalgamated "super schools", it should come as no surprise that Mumbai Mike and Lomax Smith have turned their attention to regional South Australians in their continued quest to slash and burn expenditure.
Many South Aussies have viewed the process of creating super schools with suspicion and the consultation process has been dubious to say the least, but Rann sits happily in his ivory tower dissociated from the concerns of ordinary parents and continues his campaign to mutilate our education system.
Labor plans to slash another $620,000 from country school funding, with 19 schools each having $30,000 ripped from their allocation simply for committing the crime of having less than 85 students.
These cuts will result in the possible closure of smaller schools (or amalgamation into Rann's beloved "super size me" schools) after the bewildered school councils struggle to find ways to make ends meet, such as delaying equipment upgrades, shedding vital SSO's whose assistance with struggling students can often mean the difference between success and being thrown onto the scrapheap, cutting subjects or extra curricular activities.
It would appear the modern Labor Party with its ingrained distaste for regional Australians and all they represent (ie traditional Australia) is intent upon some bizarre style of social engineering in which country towns and their education institutions are starved of funding, support and infrastructure or services thus forcing the inhabitants to move down to the larger urban areas.
Country schools offer a style of education hard to find in urban areas, often producing students who are happier, balanced with a wider general knowledge than their urban counter parts. Students have greater contact with their teachers, generally smaller classes and gain a wider knowledge regarding the reality of the world through field trips and community based activities which help to ensure the continuation of community traditions and events.
Exactly why does the ALP have such a problem with regional communities? What have they done to warrant such disregard by these Global Village Idiots?
Is it that regional Australians, being traditionally conservative both socially and politically, represent a way of life so repugnant and distasteful to the "intelligentsia elite" that they must be brought to heel at any cost?
Having experienced the education offered to my children by both the "new class elite" urban schools and small country schools, I recognise the value of the well rounded education offered by our regional institutions. It is priceless, worth far more than the $30,000 Rann wishes to strip from their funding.
Perhaps what Rann finds most objectionable is the fact that small schools focus on traditional values, building a sound educational foundation based on the "3 Rs" and pay scant regard to the new class guilt ridden rubbish one finds in their ridiculous homage to such events as "Harmony Day", "Sorry Day" and "Reconciliation Week", not to mention their over emphasis on observing the traditions and holidays of foreign cultures and alien religions.
Australian Protectionists recognise the invaluable contribution made by regional Australia to our national identity and economic survival. All Australians should reject this continued assault upon our regional cousins by the New Class Elite and tell the government that ALL Australians, regardless of where they live, are entitled to quality education taught in the manner most appropriate to local needs.
24 December, 2006
06 December, 2006
Downer Silent as Constituents' Livelihoods at Risk
6th December 2006
One need not be surprised as the track record of Australian media when it comes to raising the profile of threats to our nation is less than admirable, however, Adelaide Hills weekly "The Courier" should be commended for finally taking up the concerns of local fruit growers with their recent report on the threat of Fire Blight from imported fruit.
The uncertainty faced by Australian apple growers due to the indifference shown by Bio (in)Security Australia was raised repeatedly by Australian Protectionist candidates during the last Federal Election, notably by One Nation's Senate candidate, however it was an issue both the major parties and the media chose to ignore at the time.
In a well written article which clarified all the issues, the Courier indicated that for the fourth time in a decade Hills fruit growers are facing the threat by Bio security Australia to allow in NZ Apples, a move which threatens the $40million industry.
In a move one could expect from the globalist bureaucracy, growers have only been given until January 12 to lodge an appeal against the recommendations by Bio Security- conveniently timed for the growers' busiest time of year.
Fire Blight is a disease which could easily wipe out all of our state's pear orchards and severely damage our apple crops. Most of our estimated 150 growers are located in the Hills in a region where weather conditions make the trees vulnerable to fire blight. To allow in the imported apples threatens the state's reputation as a "clean, green" provider as well as our export markets.
Under Bio Security's recommendations, the level of quarantine protection our nation's producers can expect is limited to the apples being inspected only once, with fruit being harvested from trees showing "signs" of fire blight or harvested from trees as close as three metres to those showing severe infection.
A representative of local growers indicated that fire blight can only be controlled through the use of antibiotic sprays which are not registered in our country and would not be allowed into our water catchment areas.
New Zealand apples have been banned from our nation since 1921 due to the prevalence of Fire Blight across the Tasman.
Downer's reticence to come to the defence of growers in his own electorate clearly shows that his concern lies not with the welfare of his constituents, not with the security of their livelihoods or the well being of their families, but with the continuation of the major parties' programme for open borders, unfettered trade and globalisation - at any cost.
Considering that Bio Security is little more than the mouth piece of these wretched global village idiots, it is of little surprise that they continually come up with the same findings the government seeks, recommending that our people be offered substandard imported food, much of it from nations with poor processing standards and rife with infectious diseases which threaten the nation's safe, clean and green reputation, threaten the livelihoods of our primary producers, associated industries and the economic welfare of regional Australians.
Boycott imported food where ever possible. Write to your local MP demanding that local producers be given the protection they deserve. Write to the papers condemning politicians' ineptitude and lack of concern for the welfare of regional Australia and the health of Australians nationwide.
One need not be surprised as the track record of Australian media when it comes to raising the profile of threats to our nation is less than admirable, however, Adelaide Hills weekly "The Courier" should be commended for finally taking up the concerns of local fruit growers with their recent report on the threat of Fire Blight from imported fruit.
The uncertainty faced by Australian apple growers due to the indifference shown by Bio (in)Security Australia was raised repeatedly by Australian Protectionist candidates during the last Federal Election, notably by One Nation's Senate candidate, however it was an issue both the major parties and the media chose to ignore at the time.
In a well written article which clarified all the issues, the Courier indicated that for the fourth time in a decade Hills fruit growers are facing the threat by Bio security Australia to allow in NZ Apples, a move which threatens the $40million industry.
In a move one could expect from the globalist bureaucracy, growers have only been given until January 12 to lodge an appeal against the recommendations by Bio Security- conveniently timed for the growers' busiest time of year.
Fire Blight is a disease which could easily wipe out all of our state's pear orchards and severely damage our apple crops. Most of our estimated 150 growers are located in the Hills in a region where weather conditions make the trees vulnerable to fire blight. To allow in the imported apples threatens the state's reputation as a "clean, green" provider as well as our export markets.
Under Bio Security's recommendations, the level of quarantine protection our nation's producers can expect is limited to the apples being inspected only once, with fruit being harvested from trees showing "signs" of fire blight or harvested from trees as close as three metres to those showing severe infection.
A representative of local growers indicated that fire blight can only be controlled through the use of antibiotic sprays which are not registered in our country and would not be allowed into our water catchment areas.
New Zealand apples have been banned from our nation since 1921 due to the prevalence of Fire Blight across the Tasman.
Downer's reticence to come to the defence of growers in his own electorate clearly shows that his concern lies not with the welfare of his constituents, not with the security of their livelihoods or the well being of their families, but with the continuation of the major parties' programme for open borders, unfettered trade and globalisation - at any cost.
Considering that Bio Security is little more than the mouth piece of these wretched global village idiots, it is of little surprise that they continually come up with the same findings the government seeks, recommending that our people be offered substandard imported food, much of it from nations with poor processing standards and rife with infectious diseases which threaten the nation's safe, clean and green reputation, threaten the livelihoods of our primary producers, associated industries and the economic welfare of regional Australians.
Boycott imported food where ever possible. Write to your local MP demanding that local producers be given the protection they deserve. Write to the papers condemning politicians' ineptitude and lack of concern for the welfare of regional Australia and the health of Australians nationwide.
01 December, 2006
Environmental Issues - Too Important to be Railroaded By Global Village Idiots
1st December 2006
The issue of the environment is currently foremost in many people's minds- perhaps quite rightly so. Unfortunately, it is an issue with which the unwashed and unproductive lefty alternative life-stylers believe their day has come.
In the wake of growing discontent with the actions of the Coalition of the Confused in the Middle East, the militant environmentalists have seized on yet another perceived weapon in their ideological arsenal to soften up our pseudo conservative "leaders"- the Kyoto Protocol.
As disagreeable as it is to admit this, the Howard Government is justified in it's refusal to sign the Kyoto Agreement. Responsible nations such as Australia understand what is required to be done. While some sections of our economy may need further incentive to meet their obligations, the fact is signing yet another treaty to violate our sovereignty with a bunch of two bit Third World dictatorships will do absolutely nothing to improve conditions on our planet.
All signing this agreement will do is force greedy multinationals offshore to Third World and developing nations with few laws in place to protect the environment and the added bonus of compliant cheap labour. Our nation's already mutilated manufacturing and processing sectors will gasp their last and Australian workers will yet again be forced onto the queues of the unemployed or into positions with poor conditions, fighting for a place in the workforce with the new influx of Third World workers happy with their new found place in the sun thanks to Kowtow Johnny's new I.R reforms.
No Pacific Islands will be saved from disappearing into the ocean, no furry animals will wave their thanks and gratitude from their saved rainforest habitat, the on again off again ozone hole will not shrink and disappear and we will not be able to return to squandering our water resources thanks to a sudden regular rainfall.
The only parties to benefit from our pandering to the shrill shrieking of the new age global village idiots will be the ever present greedy multinationals whose sole purpose for existence is the continual search for increased profits- whatever the cost, and those corrupt dictatorships who feed off the misery of their own bleeding masses.
Unfortunately for the Global Village Idiots, not all nations and cultures are the same- we don't all play by the same rules, we don't all have the same values and enmeshing our nation into a myriad of UN sponsored treaties to interfere with our internal affairs will NOT bring about the world of peace, health and happiness they so desperately seek.
While agreeing with the move not to sign Kyoto, we are not impressed with the poor performance by governments of either political hue in the quest to find resources to fuel our nation's continued economic growth and ensure the continued prosperity and well being of future generations of Australians.
Both Labor and Liberal pay lip service to the issue which lies at the heart of our nation's very survival, yet do nothing substantial to address the problem. Is it because of funding received by multinationals at election time? Do these divided loyalties between political survival and a passing interest in the welfare of their constituents interfere with progress in this vital area?
Australia is a nation with an immense variety of resources. We are not limited to reliance on coal, oil and uranium. While Yellow cake Mike Rann and Kowtow Johnny are happy to run around waxing lyrical about the economic and environmental benefits of ripping out our vast reserves of uranium and selling it to communist dictators in Beijing or building nuclear reactors around the nation (though a little vague on the actual sites for construction and exactly what the hell we're going to do with the waste), they seem all too willing to turn a blind eye to advances made around the world in the areas of renewable energy.
Internationally, experts have advised the potential for the utilisation of hot rock reserves in the production of electricity and South Australia's own Cooper Basin has been earmarked as highly promising. It has been estimated that a large plant could achieve sales of $85.1 million annually and save CO2 emissions of 850,000 tonnes.
South Australia led the way in exploring the possibilities with the Habanero 1 drilling project. By all accounts a promising venture, but if our governments are serious about the progress to renewable, cleaner and cheaper fuel, if they are so concerned about the continuation of our current standard of living, why has this project not received the high priority it so richly deserves? A $5million grant from the govt with Habanero 2 left in the hands of private enterprise is not what one would call leadership.
Another possibility, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion has also been making progress around the world, with pilot projects such as those in India and parts of the US showing the lethargy displayed by successive Australian governments and their happy reliance on fossil fuels.
Wind farms- bogged down by arguments over the flight paths of birds and supposedly "unsightly" windmills which might upset the neighbours, solar energy given half hearted support by governments happy to sell off our nation's power plants to foreigners who in turn raise the price and halve the service, desalination plants- an issue raised by patriotic and nationalist candidates at the last Federal election but ignored by the media and major parties, are once again up for discussion but only as a last resort. This of course accompanied by a plan to build a weir at the end of the Murray River to save water, but the answer to the possibility of falling water levels at the lakes has been addressed by our State government with the idea of filling it up with salt water.
Never mind the needs of our dairy farmers in the region- another desalination plant anyone?
Our current crop of multinational puppets lack the spine and intestinal fortitude of the statesmen of yesteryear. It appears gone are the days of forward planning for the development of the nation's infrastructure to ensure economic development and prosperity for our nation's people.
With the exception of the small glimmer of hope one witnesses in Western Australia with further plans being forged for the further development of the Ord River region, it appears our so called representatives merely view Australia as a giant mine and market place, free for grabs by unscrupulous multinationals with no care for the welfare of ordinary Australians.
The long term future prosperity and security of our nation demands that our governments plan for the future needs of our people. Australia is a land rich in resources, rich in knowledge- there is no excuse for the lack of progress towards ensuring our nation's needs in regards to continued, renewable fuel.
Except perhaps, a wilful neglect of duty on the part of the internationalist parties our voters have the misfortune to choose between today.
The issue of the environment is currently foremost in many people's minds- perhaps quite rightly so. Unfortunately, it is an issue with which the unwashed and unproductive lefty alternative life-stylers believe their day has come.
In the wake of growing discontent with the actions of the Coalition of the Confused in the Middle East, the militant environmentalists have seized on yet another perceived weapon in their ideological arsenal to soften up our pseudo conservative "leaders"- the Kyoto Protocol.
As disagreeable as it is to admit this, the Howard Government is justified in it's refusal to sign the Kyoto Agreement. Responsible nations such as Australia understand what is required to be done. While some sections of our economy may need further incentive to meet their obligations, the fact is signing yet another treaty to violate our sovereignty with a bunch of two bit Third World dictatorships will do absolutely nothing to improve conditions on our planet.
All signing this agreement will do is force greedy multinationals offshore to Third World and developing nations with few laws in place to protect the environment and the added bonus of compliant cheap labour. Our nation's already mutilated manufacturing and processing sectors will gasp their last and Australian workers will yet again be forced onto the queues of the unemployed or into positions with poor conditions, fighting for a place in the workforce with the new influx of Third World workers happy with their new found place in the sun thanks to Kowtow Johnny's new I.R reforms.
No Pacific Islands will be saved from disappearing into the ocean, no furry animals will wave their thanks and gratitude from their saved rainforest habitat, the on again off again ozone hole will not shrink and disappear and we will not be able to return to squandering our water resources thanks to a sudden regular rainfall.
The only parties to benefit from our pandering to the shrill shrieking of the new age global village idiots will be the ever present greedy multinationals whose sole purpose for existence is the continual search for increased profits- whatever the cost, and those corrupt dictatorships who feed off the misery of their own bleeding masses.
Unfortunately for the Global Village Idiots, not all nations and cultures are the same- we don't all play by the same rules, we don't all have the same values and enmeshing our nation into a myriad of UN sponsored treaties to interfere with our internal affairs will NOT bring about the world of peace, health and happiness they so desperately seek.
While agreeing with the move not to sign Kyoto, we are not impressed with the poor performance by governments of either political hue in the quest to find resources to fuel our nation's continued economic growth and ensure the continued prosperity and well being of future generations of Australians.
Both Labor and Liberal pay lip service to the issue which lies at the heart of our nation's very survival, yet do nothing substantial to address the problem. Is it because of funding received by multinationals at election time? Do these divided loyalties between political survival and a passing interest in the welfare of their constituents interfere with progress in this vital area?
Australia is a nation with an immense variety of resources. We are not limited to reliance on coal, oil and uranium. While Yellow cake Mike Rann and Kowtow Johnny are happy to run around waxing lyrical about the economic and environmental benefits of ripping out our vast reserves of uranium and selling it to communist dictators in Beijing or building nuclear reactors around the nation (though a little vague on the actual sites for construction and exactly what the hell we're going to do with the waste), they seem all too willing to turn a blind eye to advances made around the world in the areas of renewable energy.
Internationally, experts have advised the potential for the utilisation of hot rock reserves in the production of electricity and South Australia's own Cooper Basin has been earmarked as highly promising. It has been estimated that a large plant could achieve sales of $85.1 million annually and save CO2 emissions of 850,000 tonnes.
South Australia led the way in exploring the possibilities with the Habanero 1 drilling project. By all accounts a promising venture, but if our governments are serious about the progress to renewable, cleaner and cheaper fuel, if they are so concerned about the continuation of our current standard of living, why has this project not received the high priority it so richly deserves? A $5million grant from the govt with Habanero 2 left in the hands of private enterprise is not what one would call leadership.
Another possibility, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion has also been making progress around the world, with pilot projects such as those in India and parts of the US showing the lethargy displayed by successive Australian governments and their happy reliance on fossil fuels.
Wind farms- bogged down by arguments over the flight paths of birds and supposedly "unsightly" windmills which might upset the neighbours, solar energy given half hearted support by governments happy to sell off our nation's power plants to foreigners who in turn raise the price and halve the service, desalination plants- an issue raised by patriotic and nationalist candidates at the last Federal election but ignored by the media and major parties, are once again up for discussion but only as a last resort. This of course accompanied by a plan to build a weir at the end of the Murray River to save water, but the answer to the possibility of falling water levels at the lakes has been addressed by our State government with the idea of filling it up with salt water.
Never mind the needs of our dairy farmers in the region- another desalination plant anyone?
Our current crop of multinational puppets lack the spine and intestinal fortitude of the statesmen of yesteryear. It appears gone are the days of forward planning for the development of the nation's infrastructure to ensure economic development and prosperity for our nation's people.
With the exception of the small glimmer of hope one witnesses in Western Australia with further plans being forged for the further development of the Ord River region, it appears our so called representatives merely view Australia as a giant mine and market place, free for grabs by unscrupulous multinationals with no care for the welfare of ordinary Australians.
The long term future prosperity and security of our nation demands that our governments plan for the future needs of our people. Australia is a land rich in resources, rich in knowledge- there is no excuse for the lack of progress towards ensuring our nation's needs in regards to continued, renewable fuel.
Except perhaps, a wilful neglect of duty on the part of the internationalist parties our voters have the misfortune to choose between today.
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